Supersonic cruise

美 [ˌsuːpərˈsɑːnɪk kruːz]英 [ˌsuːpəˈsɒnɪk kruːz]
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Supersonic cruiseSupersonic cruise
  1. The preliminary analysis of developing supersonic cruise fighter


  2. During the past three decades aviation industries have tried to design a supersonic cruise aircraft , especially a supersonic transport .


  3. Design of Active Center of Gravity Control System for Aircraft Supersonic Cruise


  4. Research of supersonic cruise missile and ramjet motor integration based on energy method


  5. Modern fighter planes must have a supersonic cruise and stealth performance .


  6. Passive acoustic radar for the detection of supersonic cruise missiles


  7. Study on Non-Augmented Supersonic Cruise of the 4th Generation Engines


  8. This configuration will provide good sustained supersonic cruise performance with a suitable engine type , and good manoeuvre performance in transonic and supersonic regimes .


  9. The development of supersonic cruise missile ( SCM ) weapon system puts forward increasing requirements of missile integration defense system . An efficacious SCM defense system must be established .


  10. The development of the new generation of aircrafts requires separation device should be concealed inside separation cavity , in order to raise stealthy performance and supersonic cruise ability .


  11. Future fighter aircraft requirements vary widely , and include conventional takeoff and landing , supersonic cruise capability , super maneuverability , low signature , and even short takeoff and vertical landing .


  12. There are supersonic cruise missiles too aboard China 's four new Sovremenny-class destroyers , made to order by the Russians and designed to attack aircraft-carriers and their escorts .


  13. This paper begin with some factors which affect air combat efficiency such as stealth , supersonic cruise , post-stall maneuvers , agility and short take-off and landing and so on , and investigates the effect of thrust vectoring technology on air combat efficiency .
